(Photo: Daniel Maurer)

Talk about trashing your opponent.

Someone plastered this fake sanitation department PSA on a garbageĀ binĀ at East 9th Street and Avenue A. (DSNY has confirmed their logo was used without permission.) Where there’d otherwiseĀ be aĀ “LET’S MAKE NYC CLEAN AND RAT FREE” poster, there’s now this image of a Trump supporter who clearly doesn’t mind Chick-fil-A’s “creepy infiltration of New York City.”Ā We reached out to Hanksy, of “Dump Trump” fame, but he said this one wasn’t his. If anyone knows who’s responsible, get in touch.

Update, 5:30pm: Looks like this is the work of Winston Tseng, the graphic designer and art director who previously gained attention with his Trump alphabet cards as well as fake ads for HannityĀ and aĀ Yeezy x MAGA 2020 collab. Earlier this year he received a cease and desist after putting up a “Your Train Is Delayed” poster in the Bleecker Street subway station. Around the timeĀ this post was published,Ā heĀ Instagrammed threeĀ photos of “Keep NYC Trash Free” posters at other locations.