(Photo: BGS-QD

(Photo: BGS-QD’s Facebook)

After raising a little over $20,000 this summer, the Bureau of General Services – Queer Division has secured a home for at least the next year.

Back in September, the queer bookstore and events space, where performance artists like Shane Shane and LES legend Penny Arcade have been known to let their freak flags fly, left Strange Loop Gallery, its home of nine and a half months, and took up residence at Cage gallery, around the corner at 83A Hester Street. (Strange Loop, by the way, will celebrate its two-year anniversary with a burlesque show on Thursday.) Now the bookstore announces that it’ll stay at Cage through 2014.

In their latest newsletter, BGSQD owners Donnie Jochum and Greg Newton say they plan to make interior improvements, add some signage, and add a “small café bar, which will make the Bureau a destination for queers and friends looking to read, write, relax, meet, and socialize even when we don’t have events.”

The surprise here is that there ever is a time when this eccentric, ambitious operation doesn’t have events: coming up this week, on Thursday, is a launch party for Through, a zine in which artist Quito Ziegler documents the three years during which he came out as transgender, became a hermit, and hit the road in a white van named Pony.