About Cynthia Orgel

Posts by Cynthia Orgel:

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Just Beaming: Dr. Laser Invited Us Into His Holographic Lair

Jason Sapan (Photos courtesy of Jason Sapan)

Walking along 27th Street between Broadway and 6th Avenue, you’ll hit the Radio Wave Building, where electrical engineer and inventor Nikola Tesla used to live and conduct radio wave experiments in 1896, back when the building still operated as a hotel. These days, just a few blocks away on 26th Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, another man of science toils away: Jason Sapan, who transforms into Dr. Laser in the seconds it takes to throw on a white lab coat.

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Shooting the Hallucinogenic Honey Harvesters of Nepal

Igor (Photo: Michael James Murray).

Igor Kropotov (Photo: Michael James Murray).

About halfway through Vice’s video about the hallucinogenic-honey harvesters of Nepal, correspondent Abdullah Saeed, dressed in a beekeeper suit, complains to the camera: “There’s bees everywhere. As soon as we got to the top of the hill our camera guy Billy [Voermann] got stuck in the back, so I know he probably hates holding that camera right now.” 

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